About me

interests and pleasures:     late gregorian chant, burrowing under the roots of trees, haiku, metastructures, comparative linguistics, poetry, nice little mediaeval stones, silence, river vorring, giving thanks to God, teaching, eating fruit, riddles, systems, breathing, phonology, assorted arts, legislation, contrapunctus, nightly walks, pure streams, freedom, gothic architecture, rain, theory, fairy tales, sound reasons, not having to hurry up, magic, diminuted musical chords, nice islands, axiom of galaluxussuperness, turbulences.

But you don't think you can get to know someone by reading his Web page or two, do you?

Empty Mirror
Kenneth Rexroth

As long as we are lost in the world of purpose
We are not free.
I sit in my ten foot square hut.
The birds sing.The bees hum.
The leaves sway.
The water murmurs over the rock.
The canyon shuts me in.
If I moved, Basho's frog
Would splash in the pool.
All summer long the golden
Laurel leaves fell through space.
Today I was aware
Of a maple leaf floating
On the pool.
In the night I stare into the fire.
Once I saw fire cities,
Towns, palaces, wars,
Heroic adventures
In the campfires of youth.
Now I can see only fire.
My breath moves quietly.
The stars move overhead.
On the table lies a cast
Snake skin and an uncut stone.

Thole a littel
somebody like me

Loverd, thou clepedest me
And ich nat ne answerde the
But with wordes slow and slepye
Thole yet! Thole a littel!
But Yet and Yet was endelis
And Thole a littel a long way is.